Enable Recite


FemPreneurship Academy – Entrepreneurship as a pathway for women with disabilities and chronic illnesses

That entrepreneurship can be an important driver of job creation, innovation, and social change, and that there is great interest in it was shown by the second FemPreneurship Academy organized by Jamba – Career for All. On the premises of the Expat Center of the Vienna Business Agency on November 20, 2023, the participants, women with disabilities and chronic illnesses, presented their business ideas as the program’s final phase aimed at encouraging and supporting entrepreneurship.


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Career4All Train the Trainer Academy – Call for Trainers

Are you keen on transferring knowledge and acquiring new skills? Are you between 18 and 45 years of age, based in Austria, and interested in learning more about disability and inclusion? Would you like to meet new people and work together on promoting equity in your community? Then you have to apply!


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FemPreneurship Academy – Innovative and inclusive side of entrepreneurship

Women in entrepreneurship are an important segment of economic development and an effective method of achieving a democratic society based on gender equality. Entrepreneurship thus has the power to transform the economy, society and encourages innovation, diversity, and self-empowerment of women.


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FemPreneurship Academy – Apply now!

We are starting our new program called FemPreneuship Academy. It is an accessible, free of charge, 6-week entrepreneurship program /starting in November 2021/ whose mission is to equip 20 females with disabilities and/or mothers of children with disabilities based in Vienna with the knowledge and mentorship necessary to develop a breakthrough idea.


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