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Join us at the #ZeroCon21 Conference on Employment and ICT

The Zero Project Conference, an annual event in the premises of the United Nations in Vienna, is the most exciting event organized by the Zero Project, which was initiated by the Essl Foundation in 2008. This year, the conference will take place online and it is open to everyone to join.

The three-day program will start on Wednesday, February 10, in the morning, and will end on Friday, February 12, in the afternoon. It will consist of a variety of formats, that includes plenary and co-conferencing sessions, good practices sharing, and the Award Ceremony.


Representatives of Innovative Practices and Policies are invited to present, discuss and inspire, jointly with world leaders from all sectors of society, with and without disabilities. Keynote speakers will include high-level representatives from International Organizations, leading managers from multinational companies, representatives from leading NGOs, self-representatives, entrepreneurs, and many more. 


Every day will be available three channels:


Channel 1: Zero Project WebTV featuring Innovative keynotes and highlights among others.


Channel 2: Solutions & Communities featuring the global Zero Project network and their Innovative Policies.


Channel 3: Partner Channel featuring the work of our valued and trusted partner organizations.


Jamba – Career for All is also a winner among 475 other projects and solutions from all around the world who apply and make a valuable contribution to society every day. The 2021 topic is Employment and ICT.


Jamba will present its project on Wednesday, February 10th, on Channel 2 starting at 4 pm. The whole program-agenda is available here and registrations here
