Enable Recite


  • Sofia, Bulgaria
  • 7 Mai 2020
Special Needs
Физическо увреждане, Зрително или слухово нарушение, Диабет, Синдром на Даун, Аутизъм, Интелектуални затруднения, Онкологично заболяване, Шизофрения, Рядка болест, друго

Informationen zum Unternehmen

JAMBA - Career for All is a non-government organization whose main mission is to support people with diverse abilities in Bulgaria (this is how we refer to the group "people with disabilities") attain key competencies, soft and professional skills. As a follow-up step our team helps them begin their professional development and find a job.

Aktuelle Stellenangebote bei JAMBA

Keine Jobangebote gefunden.